Build a home server - part 8
Configure LVM for snapshots
I got it all to work; softwareRAID, LVM and Flashcache. Proven, stable techniques. But when I realize that a snapshot in LVM takes the same amount of disk space as the source... It will not work on a home server with, say, one or more 1 TB file systems. The techniques are good. No dought about it. But they have also grown old. I have to abandon this approach.
The end.
I got it all to work; softwareRAID, LVM and Flashcache. Proven, stable techniques. But when I realize that a snapshot in LVM takes the same amount of disk space as the source... It will not work on a home server with, say, one or more 1 TB file systems. The techniques are good. No dought about it. But they have also grown old. I have to abandon this approach.
The end.
Postat av: Dr.Antidata
You´re journey felt like a Greek tragedy that ended to soon. Norén might write a play about this someday.
Postat av: Dr Data
You're evil, dr Antidata. Pure evil!
Postat av: Bengt Blajskorv
Va snygg du är på bild din TARM
Dr Data